Wall Street Celebrating Main Street’s Good News?!

S&P 500 INDEX MODEL TRADING PLANS for FRI. 05/05 The strong Non-Farm Payrolls number on top of what Powell had to say yesterday after the FOMC rate decision should have pushed the markets down worried about “higher rates for longer time” but the markets seem to be celebrating mainstream good news for now. The options (more…)

Today In the Market – THU 05/04

THE GIST (“THE WHAT”) Financials and Energy stocks led the S&P 500 index lower for the fourth session in a row, closing a choppy session at 4061.23, down 29.51 points (-0.72%). Investors digested Fed’s 10th consecutive rate hike this cycle, alongside Powell’s comments that a pause in the hiking cycle might be too soon to (more…)


Results of Published Model Trades for THU 05/04 Find below the detailed outcome tracking of our models’ trading plans for the day, as well as the results for the last month. The horizontal lines on the chart show the price levels corresponding to the trading plans as published in the morning. (Please click here to (more…)

It’s All About the Regional Banks Now!

S&P 500 INDEX MODEL TRADING PLANS for THU. 05/04 While the FOMC and Powell could not scare the markets enough yesterday, the Regional Banks are accomplishing that and some! With the KBW Regional Banking Index is now flirting with the 2020 Covid-19 lows. And, it is May (the “Sell in May and Go Away” adage (more…)

Today In the Market – Wed 05/03

THE GIST (“THE WHAT”) The S&P 500 index closed the session lower after the Federal Reserve raised rates by 25 basis point, its 10th consecutive rate hike in its attempt to fight inflation. Markets pulled back alongside Jerome Powell’s press conference when he did not rule out additional rate hikes if warranted. The index closed (more…)


Results of Published Model Trades for WED 05/03 Find below the detailed outcome tracking of our models’ trading plans for the day, as well as the results for the last month. The horizontal lines on the chart show the price levels corresponding to the trading plans as published in the morning. (Please click here to (more…)

Fed Speak – To Be Scared or Not To Be Scared?

S&P 500 INDEX MODEL TRADING PLANS for WED. 05/03 Thirty minutes into the FOMC rate decision, markets appear to be yawning at the numbers and just waiting to parse every word Powell is going to speak at the press conference beginning at 2:30pm ET. As of now, markets seem to be in a dilemma as (more…)

Today In the Market – Tue 05/02

THE GIST (“THE WHAT”) Regional banks were slammed as fears of banking crisis remained front and center in today’s risk off session. Energy stocks further fueled the losses alongside falling crude oil prices on growing recessionary fears. The S&P 500 index fell during the early part of the session to hit the day’s low at (more…)


Results of Published Model Trades for TUE 05/02 Find below the detailed outcome tracking of our models’ trading plans for the day, as well as the results for the last month. The horizontal lines on the chart show the price levels corresponding to the trading plans as published in the morning. (Please click here to (more…)

Pre-FOMC Tantrums or Some Concerning Ailment?

S&P 500 INDEX MODEL TRADING PLANS for TUE. 05/02 In our first trading plan of this trading week – published yesterday, Mon. 05/01 – we wrote: “With the FOMC meeting this week, everything else takes a second place until Wednesday. Expect a push-and-pull action in the markets heading into the event. If you are not (more…)