Markets to Reveal Today If the Fed is Still Relevant and Credible With the increasingly vocal interference of the president with the monetary policy, today the markets will assess (yet again) the independence and credibility of the Fed. Read below for our models’ trading plans for the day. (please click here to check the (more…)
Despite Market Rattling Headlines (China, Trump) Investors In a Waiting Mode With the apparently market rattling headlines coming out involving China and Trump’s trigger happy tweets, investors seem to be in a waiting mode. Our models continue the same trading plans from yesterday for today as well. Read below for our models’ trading plans for (more…)
China, Fed, Earnings – the Old (real) Issues are Back in Focus this Week! With the reality of the trade war with China unfolding clearly even in the words of the administration, investors are bracing to embrace uncertainty (“we are 90% close to a trade deal” no longer works). The challenge for Fed to be (more…)
Earnings Earnings Everywhere…And a Lot of Profits to Rejoice With the busiest day of the earnings season showing off some strong earnings, investors appear to be impressed and bidding the markets up this morning. As we have been writing this week, unless some major negative headline or narrative hits the wires, expect no bearish sentiment (more…)
Earnings Earnings Everywhere… With the Mueller testimony in the rear view mirror, markets to shift focus onto earnings announcements today (barring any major, unexpected developments elsewhere). Many analysts and research firms are cautioning about the lofty valuations and the potentially dwindling earnings growth. While such headlines may appear tempting for the bears itching to initiate (more…)
Trump Trumps Mueller or Vice Versa? That is The Question Today! Markets are likely going to be fixated on Mueller’s testimony today and be stuck in a tight range until it is over. Which way the markets would break out would depend on the question of the day: Would Mueller Trump Trump or Trump Would (more…)
Rates, Trump, Earnings: Earnings the Starting Theme for Today Markets are getting a positive push from the earnings this morning. Our models indicate sustained bullish moves and/or bullish consolidation until/unless some strong and unexpected negative developments show up in the earnings arena or on the interest rates front (or, on the geopolitical sphere). Read below (more…)
Rates Trump Earnings or Rates, Trump, and Earnings? As the earnings season is kicking into gear, the talk of impending economic slowdown and the calls for rate cuts (as deep as 50 basis points) are morphing from a background noise to a clamor. History shows that the interest rates trump the earnings weakness or any (more…)
More Koolaid or Not – That Seems to be The Question of the Day! As has become evident (again) with yesterday’s market action, investors (or, market “players”?) seem to be hanging on to the “hope” (and, “demand”/”expectation”) that the Fed is going to cut the rates deeply (read, by 50 basis points) this month. But, (more…)
No Bull, No Bear…Goldilocks Forever? As we wrote as the theme for the Markets this week, stocks continue to be driven by earnings related headlines (Netflix, anyone?), but the market action’s underpinnings point to technicals at a dominant role rather than fundamentals…for now. To avoid subjective knee jerk stands about the markets driving your trading (more…)